Shin koihime musou episode
Shin koihime musou episode

  • 2.4 Jun'iku (Private name: Keifa Courtesy name: Bunjaku Expy: Xun Yu).
  • 2.3 Kakouen (Private name: Shuuran Courtesy name: Myosai Expy: Xiahou Yuan).
  • 2.2 Kakoton (Private name: Shunran Courtesy name: Genjo Expy: Xiahou Dun).
  • 2.1 Sousou (Private name: Karin Courtesy name: Motoku Expy: Cao Cao).
  • 1.11 Houtou (Private name: Hinari Courtesy name: Shigen Expy: Pang Tong).
  • shin koihime musou episode

  • 1.10 Batai (Private name: Tanpopo Courtesy name: N/A Expy: Ma Dai).
  • 1.9 Gien (Private name: En'ya Courtesy name: Buncho Expy: Wei Yan).
  • 1.8 Gengan (Private name: Kikyo Courtesy name: N/A Expy: Yan Yan).
  • 1.7 Kouchuu (Private name: Shion Courtesy name: Kanshou Expy: Huang Zhong).
  • 1.6 Shokatsuryou (Private name: Shuri Courtesy name: Koumei Expy: Zhuge Liang).
  • 1.5 Bachou (Private name: Sui Courtesy name: Mouki Expy: Ma Chao).
  • 1.4 Chouun (Private name: Sei Courtesy name: Shiryuu Expy: Zhao Yun).
  • 1.3 Chouhi (Private name: Rinrin Courtesy name: Yokutoku Expy: Zhang Fei).
  • 1.2 Kannu (Private name: Aisha Courtesy name: Unchou Expy: Guan Yu).
  • 1.1 Ryuubi (Private name: Touka Courtesy name: Gentoku Expy: Liu Bei).
  • 1 Characters of the Shoku (Shu) Kingdom.
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    shin koihime musou episode

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    #Shin koihime musou episode manual

    Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed.En'ya took the tenth place in the poll of the most popular character in the Shoku story company.In the animated opening of Sengoku†Koihime: ~Otome Kenran ☆ Sengoku Emaki~, Ashikaga Kazuha Yoshiteru summon the weapons of various Koihime†Musou heroines as projectiles for her attack among those is Gien's kanabou.Her and Batai at first being hostile towards one another is a nod to Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the novel, Wei Yan is killed by Ma Dai for alleged treason.She leaves her shorts unzipped in the VN in the anime her shorts are zipped up.She is very clueless about sex but starts getting better at it. Sengoku†Koihime X Ī girl who is very passionate about fighting, she is bad at communicating verbally.

    shin koihime musou episode

    Later joined Ryuubi on the quest to look for medicine due to her romantic feelings for Ryuubi, who (according to Gengan) is almost like the splitting image of her deceased older sister. Unfortunately, she lost her temper with the second encounter, and killed every last of them, thus decommissioning their bond, though she was given Gengan's weapon. Afterwards Gengan ties her sword to its scabbard with a paper string and makes her promise not to resort to violence without permission again. Shin Koihime † Eiyuutan Shin Koihime † Musou -Kakumei- Souten no Haou Son Go no Kechimyaku Ryuuki no Taibou Anime version A warrior who was the apprentice of Gengan since a young age, she first starts out as one of her most trusted pupils, but when she was ambushed by bandits, she killed most of them without hesitation. Despite this, however, she still gets angry when he acts perverted (again, accidental or not) in public places. Later on she confesses her feelings for him and he accepts.

    shin koihime musou episode

    When he is separated in an engagement, she immediately breaks formation to look for and rescue him. She no longer overreacts towards his actions (perverted, accidental or otherwise) and even addresses him respectfully. Gi Route Go Route Moeshouden In Moeshouden she mellows towards Kazuto quite significantly. Initially hostile towards Kazuto and thinks of him as a perverted troublemaker, until she is "punished" by Batai in a very humiliating way (Batai tricks Gien into a well prepared snare trap, and then subjects her to tickle torture). Has a tomboyish personality and seems to take exception to any kind of behavior that suggests affection or attraction, whether from people, or animals (such as Ryofu's dogs). Plot Shin Koihime†Musou Shoku Route She's easily distinguished by her black hair with white streaks on the right side.

    Shin koihime musou episode